Picture index for Marie's Dicken's Village 2001

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Pictures 11 through 17 of 17 total

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[thumbnail for p0000268.jpg] 132K The whole shebang
[thumbnail for p0000261.jpg] 144K Closeup of The Flat of Ebenezer Scrooge
[thumbnail for p0000253.jpg] 176K Panoramic view of the lower display
[thumbnail for p0000242.jpg] 222K Closeup of the Kingford's Brew House and the Spider Box Locks (unlit)
[thumbnail for p0000255.jpg] 211K Closeup of the Old Michealchurch, the Kingsford's Brew House, and the Spider Box Locks
[thumbnail for p0000252.jpg] 187K Overhead closeup of the Old Michealchurch, the Kingsford's Brew House, and the Spider Box Locks
[thumbnail for p0000260.jpg] 136K Panoramic view of the upper display